First, our experts identify and disable all
unnecessary system processes and services left behind by old or
damaging programs.
we look deep into the registry, (Windows master operating system
file), and remove anything that might be secretly hijacking your
We then simultaneously run a number of
anti-adware and anti-spyware system scans to locate and remove
those nasty bugs that were installed on your system without your
Next, we remove the tons of useless files
your PC accumulates that clutter your harddrive and slow your
computer down. Long Island Computer Guys knows where to look for
these files and deletes them WITHOUT deleting your data or other
critical system files!
we "tweak" your system's core files for optimum speed and
performance by changing the settings that will enable your
computer to Start-UP and Shut-Down faster and so that windows
will generally open and close faster.
this point we can then assess whether of not it may be worth a
system memory upgrade at an additional reasonable price, ( move
PC's are sold with only the bare minimum of installed memory -
and "doubling" you PC's memory is a relatively economical way of
dramatically increasing your PC's performance).
Finally, we make sure that all your operating
system files and hardware "drivers" are updated and current.
These files are constantly updated by the manufacturers for
increased performance and to work out the "bugs". Unfortunately,
most people never check to see if their files are up-to-date, or
worse... they don't know which files to install that won't
"break" their computer!
you been trying to do this yourself? How's that going for you?
Let an expert do that? Let Long Island Computer Guys perform
their comprehensive tune-up on your PC today!