Long Island Computer Guys

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Virus Removal

Computer Repair
Virus Removal
Remote Service
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It's True! There are now more than 5,000 new viruses, worms, trojans and hacks being released and attacking computers world-wide EVERY DAY!

System Security

It is critical that you have the best and most up-to-date anti-virus software installed on on your PC. If you don't... Your passwords, social security numbers, banking account information, and other personal data is all vulnerable.

Servicing Desktop & Notebook PC's

Dell, IBM, HP, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Gateway, Compaq, Acer & more


horizontal rule


 Computer Viruses can be just as ugly and dangerous as anything in the biological world. They grow, they morph, they change, they move and they reproduce very quickly. But it doesn't stop here.

They will not only slow down your computer to a crawl... They can even cause your system components to stop functioning. On top of this they can send out your sensitive information for the "scum" of the world to use and share with others as well.

When your computer slows due to an infection, it's more than annoying... it's costly! Your productivity is reduced and it takes you 2 and 3 times longer to do the simplest tasks.

Did you try to fix it yourself and only end up making things worse? Stop! If you go further you may end up costing yourself even more money to correct the problem...

Let the Pro's at Long Island Computer Guys fix it right the first time, every time!

The First Thing to realize is that "no one tool does it all". No matter what they may claim! There are so many new infections with so many variants that we have found that it takes a number of anti-virus computer inoculation solutions to solve the 1,000's of bugs that are out there.

The next thing to learn is that all anti-virus software are NOT created equal. Some are better than others. Many will slow down your system worse than the viruses themselves. Some anti-virus solutions cost a lost of money, while other very good ones are FREE if you know where to get them.

Another critical point is that once you are infected by a virus, worm or trojan, most of the time you won't have just one or two. We have fixed and cured many clients' computers that were infected with 150, 450, 1600, and yes even 6450 virus infections on a single PC!

At Long Island Computer Guys we haven't yet met a virus we can't beat!

Computer Repair Virus Removal Tune-Ups Networks/Wireless Remote Service Contact Us

L.I. Computer Guys
RONKONKOMA, NY • (631) 648-0840
© 2009
Email: service@longislandcomputerguys.com